A new beginning

It's been a long time, let me see...

108 days?!

I can't believe I've been gone for so long.

I guess university does take time.

Anyway, I'm not going to be looking for an excuse for my absence.

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!

I hope you're having a good time with your family or taking some time to reflect.

I'm back, at last...

Although not for long unfortunately.

I'm in the final stages of my studies and it will be somewhat difficult to keep up with the updates in the game. But I don't want to leave it behind.

This is a project I've had for a long time and it would hurt me to cancel it just to continue my academic life.

So no: The project is not cancelled.

In fact: The game is having a slow development at the moment, as I was enjoying my free time and above all trying to relax after a hell of so many duties and my own work.

I had already teased something about what the next update would be so let's get straight to the point.

Update v3.0:

Wait...wouldn't it be version 2.0? Nope.

It will be v3.0 since I am planning to develop from week 1 to week 3. Surprise!

You will not only focus on building a relationship with one member, but also with other members of the club!

There will be certain very special events to not only focus on one character, but between 4 or 5 or even all of them, earning relationship points more easily.

That's not all. I'm in the process of making the game open world for certain mechanics that will arrive in that update, although it's only a beta phase since I'm not a programming expert hehe.

Work and secondary missions:

The protagonist will have to earn his money, but how? He won't always have to depend on Kaito or Taichi to buy him breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, right? (But well, this isn't entirely true)

So a system of initial jobs is being worked on! There are 3 that the protagonist will be able to select and earn money from. (Don't worry, he will only go every weekend so as not to interfere with events)

And secondary missions. The main protagonist are not the only ones who have problems, this school is full of many students around. So why not help them?

Rewriting Ryo's route:

I've noticed that the attitude of the character Ryo Shinsetsu in the game demo is very heavy and irritating when I was reviewing and testing the game, this is a negative aspect since my mission is to generate interest in the reader, so I've been rewriting a large part of the route shown in week 1, so that in this way it has a background behind that irritable attitude.

Now he will have a lighter attitude but he will still be someone irritable, but not in such an extreme way as he was in the demo and I hope that in this new version he will be more attractive to everyone.

New feature of the shops:

Relationship points...

They are a crucial issue if you want to reach one of the future endings of this game. But this can take time and just taking one route would be very linear and monotonous.

So...why not provide a faculty so that the reader can improve their relationship not only with the events?

The shops have the solution for this!

The cafeteria will be developed to sell certain products that may be of interest to the club members!

But for this, you should know them better!

What do they usually like...

Or what favorite food or dessert would be to their liking.

Also you will not only depend on the cafeteria, but it can also be the bookstore, gym and more to be able to captivate a member of the club.

Although you are probably in doubt because I said "Shops" instead of just "Shop", right? (I hope you noticed)

Give me a break so I can keep going.

By the way, little riddle!

"Xli jpeqiw evi hmjjmgypx xs ibxmrkymwl fyx rsx mqtswwmfpi xs ibxmrkymwl."

It's a curious type of cipher that I found during my studies:

The Caesar cipher (although it depends on the rotation number you want to use, in my case it was 4)

Now let's continue.

Dealer and corruption:

During the course of the game there are certain tough decisions that, for better or worse, will have a huge impact on the personality of the protagonist.

If you choose an option that seems uncomfortable or indecent to the protagonist, his corruption will increase. And you've probably heard this in certain RPG visual novels out there.

Why did I decide to apply it? It's simple.

Although this school is incredible for the many things it has due to its incredible reputation, there are also secrets that are not as explored or simply cause fear to the students.

And one of them is a strange shop set up in an isolated part of the school.

This merchant will have a great impact on the buying and selling of products, which are very different and valuable from what the cafeteria usually sells.

And also a kind of exchange of corruption.

Do you want to know how it works? You need wait for the next update, please!

I also want to add more shops besides the cafeteria and this strange shop, but for the moment these are the ones I have in mind.

New exploration areas and references to other visual novels:

I have been planning many things that I would definitely like to add, such as exploring areas to investigate or also adding more information about the history of this world you are exploring, but everything in its time.

I would also love to add some references in a school part that tells some visual novels from some friends I made on discord and be able to attract more people to try it, but I still want to leave that for the end once I have finished polishing the 100% version of the game.

And that's all for now!

I may have left out some things because I don't remember exactly what I was setting up since I haven't touched the game for a few days.

But I assure you that I will not leave this behind.

Once I have finished everything for the update I will start the testing phase so I will require proofreaders to guide me on what needs to be corrected or what they think of the version to be released to the public.

So stay tuned in these months :)

Thanks for staying tuned to "Living and Loving" game.

See you soon!

Get Living and Loving (Demo)

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